Avoiding Heatstroke

Following up from our last post on heatstroke, remember that even in 10 minutes a car heats up 20 degrees. It is never okay to leave your child alone in a car.  According to healthy children, “Heatstroke is the leading cause of non-crash, vehicle-related deaths in children under 15.” However, these deaths are absolutely avoidable.  How…

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Heatstroke Dangers

Heatstroke becomes increasingly common as summer temperatures rise. A heatstroke is a condition that occurs from overheating of the body due to exposure to excessively high temperatures.  One action that can put individuals at risk is the result of sitting in a hot car. These incidences are increasingly becoming more common, but can be avoided with…

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What Can Others on the Road do to Keep Motorcyclists Safe?

“There are 32 other vehicles on the road for every registered motorcycle that is being ridden. Most, if not all, of those 32 other vehicles are larger and heavier than you and your motorcycle.” This is important – Many times accidents occur because of those other larger and heavier vehicles not seeing or thinking of…

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What Can A Motorcyclist do to Increase Safety?

As May comes to a close we want to remind everyone that it is motorcycle safety awareness month and urge everyone to be aware of motorcycle safety all year long.  Motorcycle riding can be fun and exhilarating especially in the warm summer months. However, it can be very dangerous. According to NHTSA 4,985 motorcyclists were…

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Protecting Ourselves as Pedestrians

Walking can be a great form of exercise and even a good way to get out of the house these days. But accidents do happen and pedestrian safety is something we need to keep on our minds as walking may be increased these last few months.  According to the CDC, “In 2017, 5,977 pedestrians were…

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Car Accidents Have Declined During Pandemic

According to CBS, “At least 20 U.S. states reported seeing a noticeable drop in fatal car crashes during the coronavirus pandemic. CBS News reached out to 26 states with a historically high number of traffic deaths, and found that fatal car crashes on California freeways dropped a stunning 84%.” And in Illinois they have dropped…

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What Steps Do I Take After A Slip and Fall?

Seek Medical treatment  This should always be your first step after a slip and fall. Making sure you or your loved one is safe is the most important step. Follow the medical professional’s advice and treatment. This also ensures your injuries can be documented properly. The full extent of your injuries such as a head…

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7 Slip and Fall Facts

Slip and falls can be very serious! Especially for those older in age. We want to share a few facts about slip and falls that may surprise you:  For people aged 65-84 years, falls are the second leading cause of injury-related death; for those aged 85 years or older, falls are the leading cause of…

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Why Should I Wear A Helmet While Biking?

A great hobby to pick up during this time could be cycling. Riding your bike is a great way to get outside and exercise. We touched on some tips on bike safety a few blogs ago but wanted to emphasize the importance of wearing a helmet.  Here are three of the top reasons to always…

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Hydroplaning and What to do When it Occurs

Hydroplaning is one of the most common risks while driving in rain. Hydroplaning is when a car slides on a wet surface. According to safe motorist, “Hydroplaning occurs when a tire encounters more water than it can scatter. Water pressure in the front of the wheel pushes water under the tire, and the tire is…

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