Click it or Ticket!

The US Department of Transportation announced earlier this month a click it or ticket seat belt enforcement nationally. Their role here is to remind everyone the importance of wearing seat belts. 

They have run click it or ticket ads since the 9th and will continue through the 29th of this month. However, enforcement of seat belt laws will start the 16th and continue through the 29th of November.

According to the NHTSA, “From 2013 to 2017, seat belts saved almost 70,000 lives” yet “nearly 27.5 million people still don’t buckle up….In 2017, 51 percent of men killed in crashes were not buckled up, compared to 39 percent of women.”

So, why aren’t those 27.5 million people wearing their seat belts? It is very clear that seat belts save lives — in fact they are the number one effective way to protect yourself in a car. They work, people just have to wear them to gain the benefits which is why campaigns like this are necessary to remind the public just how effective they are. 

NHTSA Deputy Administrator James Owens explained that, “Click It or Ticket reminds everyone to wear their seat belt every trip, every time, and officers will be patrolling our roads to enforce these lifesaving laws”.

Everyone wants to keep those on the road safe and no one wants a ticket for failing to wear a seat belt. So—be sure to wear them! Click it or ticket!

Follow this link below to our previous blog on how seat belts save lives, who exactly isn’t wearing a seat belt and how to wear them properly.

Follow this link on seat belt safety, seat belt safety for tweens, and seat belt safety for pregnant women— NHTSA.

Contact: Glisson Law