What to Keep in Your Winter Kit of Supplies

In an earlier blog we posted tips for driving in the winter. One was to keep a Winter kit of supplies in your car at all times. You never know what you’re going to need or when you’re going to need it. Staying prepared is the best way to go about things. Take precaution and…

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Driving in Winter Conditions

In addition to preparing your car for winter it is equally important to follow winter guidelines while you’re driving. According to AAA, “Winter storms, bad weather and sloppy road conditions are a factor in nearly half a million crashes and more than 2,000 road deaths every winter.” Here are a few tips that can inform you…

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Preparing for Driving in Colder Weather

As the temperature drops across the country more precautions need to be taken to ensure safer and smoother car rides. Here is a list of some of the most important things to prepare and ensure  before winter sets in: Test your battery Your battery power drops as the temperature drops. Check your tire tread Driving in…

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1.8 Million Dollars of Funding Towards Highway Safety

On October 2nd the US Department of Transportation announced 1.8 million dollars of funding towards safety on US highways.  According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, “The agreements will fund projects to combat impaired driving, support the 911 network, enhance safety messaging for young drivers, and give technical assistance to state officials on a…

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Halloween Night

Even though planning out Halloween helps ensure a safer time. There are things you need to do the night of Halloween as well.  The amount of children walking around collecting candy can be dangerous if those with them or drivers aren’t paying close attention. “Children are more than twice as likely to be hit by…

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Planning a Safer Halloween

As we enter October, Halloween is right around the corner. Halloween is a fun holiday spent dressing up as your favorite characters, carving pumpkins, collecting candy from your local neighborhoods and visiting haunted houses. While halloween brings a lot of fun to this time of year there are precautious that need to be taken. There are…

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Combatting the Dangers of Night Driving

Luckily there are precautions us drivers can take to lessen the dangers of driving at night. The National Safety Council listed specific ways to combat each of the factors that make driving at night so much more dangerous: Comprised Night Vision The AOA recommends older drivers: Have annual vision exams Reduce speed Take a driving course; even…

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Dangers of Driving at Night

You may find yourself driving at night often especially during long road trips. “When Daylight Saving Time ends – for 2019, that’s 2 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 3 – many people will find themselves spending more time driving in the dark.” Everyone knows driving at night is more difficult than during the day but not many people…

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Decreasing Distracted Driving

According to the CDC, “Each day in the United States, approximately 9 people are killed and more than 1,000 injured in crashes that are reported to involve a distracted driver”.  We have to find a way to decrease these injuries and deaths. A big way we feel as though this could be decreased is by…

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Top Ten Driving Distractions

Distracted driving is anything done that takes your attention off of driving or the road. Many drivers don’t realize how much of an impact it makes taking your eyes off the road for even a second. Centers for Disease Contorl and Prevention stated that, “When you send or read a text message, you take your…

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