Driver Assistance Technologies Making Driving Safer

“In 2017, 37,133 people died in motor vehicle crashes. Research shows that the vast number of vehicle crashes are tied to human error.” NHTSA has offered a list of important driver assistance technologies that have increased safety for drivers.  Automatic Emergency Braking Systems  Automatic Emergency Braking systems essentially detects the possibility of a collision with…

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Automatic Emergency Braking Systems Increase

Automatic Emergency Braking systems essentially detects the possibility of a collision with another vehicle. The system will alert the driver. If the driver does not take action the system will apply the brakes itself to evert the collision.  NHTSA posted an interesting article about the increased use of AEB. Manufacturers are striving to make driving…

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The Dangers of Cliff Jumping

Although cliff jumping into a body of water brings a thrill and excitement to your summer days it is extremely dangerous and important to think over the possible situations that could occur. Cliff jumping injuries are common. Live Strong offered just a few reasons cliff jumping is dangerous: “Speed Threats” A big threat associated with cliff…

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Driving During the Rainy Season

Summer is on the way which means the rainy season is here. According to AAA Exchange, “Wet pavement contributes to nearly 1.2 million traffic crashes each year.” In fact, driving in the rain is even more dangerous than driving during snowy conditions.  Driving in heavy rain is often scary. However, drivers often underestimate the true…

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Staying Safe at Railroad Crossings

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, “In 2018, 336 drivers went around a gate and were struck by a train; 99 people died in those crashes – a 10-year high.” When approaching a railroad always remember that trains have the right away. A train cannot swerve out of the way of your vehicle.…

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Staying Safe Around Emergency Vehicles

Every driver was taught at some point when an emergency vehicle is around you how to react. There are steps people are taught to take in order to allow the emergency vehicles to safely pass around traffic or safely do their job on the side of the road. There has been an increase in drivers…

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10 Tips to Decrease Boating Accidents

Our previous blog gave the top 11 causes of a boating accident. Next, we wanted to give tips on how to avoid those problems It is extremely important that whoever is manning a boat knows the proper information on how to boat safely. Everyone on board needs to be aware of the safety precautions that need…

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Boating Accident Causes

It is now March and spring break is fast approaching. People will be out and about on the water swimming, and boating. While boating is a great time in good weather, it is important to be informed on the statistics and safety precautions of boating.  According to American Boating Association, “In 2016, the Coast Guard…

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Avoiding Road Rage

Driving can become frustrating at times. It is important to focus on your response to that frustration. Otherwise, aggressive driving can take over. The AAA Foundation estimated how many drivers “engaged in the following angry and aggressive behaviors during the previous year”: Purposefully tailgating: 51 percent (104 million drivers) Yelling at another driver: 47 percent…

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Dangers of Speeding

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, “For more than two decades, speeding has been involved in approximately one-third of all motor vehicle fatalities.” People speed for a multitude of reasons. One main reason being that they are late or rushing to get somewhere.  However, the Transport Accident Commission figured that, “Travelling 65km/hr in a…

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