Thinking of Toy Safety During the Holidays

The Holidays have begun. Kids are awaiting the toys given to them under the tree or during the lighting of the candles. Shopping for toys can be fun. However there are important things to think about when picking the right toy for you son or daughter. According to Safe Kids, “In 2016, 174,100 children under the…

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Bicycle Safety

Whether you’re riding you bike to school, to work, for exercise or just around town it is important to keep the essential safety measures in mind. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, “bicycles on the roadway are vehicles with the same rights and responsibilities as motorized vehicles”. “Regardless of the season bicyclist deaths…

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8 Tips on Driving in the Snow

Along with the cold weather comes the snow. According to Safe Winter, “Over 1,300 people are killed and more than 116,800 people are injured in vehicle crashes on snowy, slushy or icy pavement annually.” If you are in an area where snowfall occurs, which is about 70% of the nation, follow these tips provided…

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Planning for Travel in Winter Weather

Temperatures are dropping and winter weather is here. Breaking down on the side of the road is never a good thing but add in cold weather and it could be a nightmare. According to AAA the top three reasons for a breakdown include problems with the battery, engine or tires. So, it is important to…

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The Importance of Staying Awake and Alert on the Road

The Holidays are approaching fast and that could mean  long and tedious drives to reunite with family members.  Long drives can be tiresome and often lead to drowsiness. Dozing off while driving is extremely dangerous and has been known to cause many accidents. It is hard to pin point the exact amount of accidents caused…

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Halloween Safety Tips

BOooOOOO! Halloween is among us and it is time to pull out your candy and costumes. It is an extremely fun holiday that is celebrated by many. However due to the high amounts of trick or treating there are pedestrian safety concerns. According to The National Safety Council, “Children are more than twice as likely…

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NHTSA Launches Ad Against Drug Impaired Driving

On august 14th the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration launched its new ad campaign against drug impaired driving. NHTSA posts an impaired driving ad every year, however, it has never included drug impaired driving. The normal, “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” has expanded to “If you feel different you drive different. Drive high get…

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Walking and Biking to School Safely

International Walk and Bike to School Day is October 10th and is a great time to bring up the best ways of your kids doing so safely. “In 2016, 5,987 pedestrians and 840 bicyclists were killed in motor vehicle crashes. They accounted for more than 18 percent of all fatalities on our roads.” It is…

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Electric Scooters Changing Transportation

I’m sure you have all seen the scooters taking the world by storm one city at a time. Or should I say the birds taking over transportation one flock at a time? Both companies, Bird and Lime, are just around one year old and have experienced their ups and downs. Most of their downs has…

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Child Passenger Safety Week

“Vehicle crashes are a leading cause of death for children. From 2012 to 2016, there were 3,268 children under 13 killed while riding in passenger vehicles…” Even worse is that one-third of the children in these accidents were not even wearing a seat belt. These deaths are preventable with the proper safety precautions. This is why…

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