Dangers of Winter Weather for Children in Vehicles

Children safety is always a main concern. Extreme temperatures can be dangerous for young children who aren’t able to regulate their temperature as well.   When in the car, problems due to temperature are normally thought of in the terms of a heatstroke. However,  according to NHTSA “winter can be just as deadly for children left in…

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Vehicle Theft Prevention

Vehicle theft is not something many people think about happening often. However the fact is, 3 quarters of a billion vehicles were stolen in 2017 alone adding up to 6 billion dollars. According to NHTSA, “40.9% of locally stolen vehicles are never returned”. Many of these thefts however could be prevented with just a few…

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Teen Driver Safety

Every teen looks forward to the day they earn the freedom of driving. For parents, it may be tough to hand your teen the keys to a car.  Car accidents are still the leading cause of teen deaths. 3,255 teens ages 15-19 were involved in fatal crashes in 2017 alone. It is imperative that we…

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Seatbelt Guidelines

According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, “with the exception of New Hampshire, all states and the District of Columbia require adult front-seat occupants to use seat belts. Adult rear-seat passengers also are covered by the laws in 30 states and the District of Columbia”. NHTSA has offered guidelines on properly wearing a seatbelt…

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Seat Belt Safety Reminders

As we prepare to ring in the new year we want to remind everyone how important it is to wear your seatbelt.  “In 2017 alone, seat belts saved an estimated 14,955 lives” Here are five seatbelt facts to enforce the importance of staying buckled up:  Seat belts are the number one way to reduce deaths…

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Safe Driving for the Holidays

Did you know that drunk driving is highly increased during the holiday months?   “During the New Year’s and Christmas periods in 2018, there were 285 drunk-driving-related fatalities. These deaths are 100% preventable.” NHTSA has announced a campaign over the holidays in order to decrease impaired driving and to spread the following messages: “Drive Sober or…

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Safety Tips for Driving During Rush Hour

Whether it be in the morning or late afternoon, rush hour is a stressful time to be driving. Cars are back to back, roadways are crowded, driving is slow, and people are irritated. Stressed and frustrated drivers can lead to a dangerous situation. Most car accidents actually occur during rush hour. Here are a few tips to…

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Ways to Decrease Accidents Among Elderly Drivers

In order for older drivers to have a sense of independence its important that they’re able to stay on the road. Here are some tips offered by the Mayo Clinic that older drivers can use to ensure their safety on the road.  – Stay physically active Staying physically active maintains your strength and flexibility. –…

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Factors that Increase Accidents Among Elderly Drivers

“In 2017, there were almost 44 million licensed drivers aged 65 and older in the United States. This is a 63% increase from 1999.1 Driving helps older adults stay mobile and independent. But the risk of being injured or killed in a motor vehicle crash increases as people age.”  According to the NHTSA, “6,907 PEOPLE…

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NHTSA Sends Out a Safety Advisory on Car Seats

On November 13th the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration sent out a safety advisory warning parents not to purchase car seats that don’t comply with US Standards.  “Parents and caregivers should be aware of signs that a car seat does not meet Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards and may pose significant risk to an infant…

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