Why Is My Car Crash Case Taking So Long?

Why Is My Car Crash Case Taking So Long?If your car accident claim is taking longer than expected, it’s natural to feel impatient and concerned. However, several factors can cause delays in car crashes cases. Understanding these reasons and how to handle them can help you manage your expectations and reduce stress. Simply reach out to your lawyer and find out if there are any updates regarding your car accident case.

Every car accident case comes with its own unique facts and circumstances. Therefore, there is not a one-size-fits-all timeline for these types of cases. One person’s car accident case may take as little as three months, while another person’s case may take close to one year. While it can be nerve-racking to have to wait for any answers regarding your case, it is critical to remain calm and patient during this time. If you have not heard anything for a long period of time, you may be able to get in touch with your attorney to determine what could possibly be slowing down the process and whether there is anything you can do to help. However, most of the time, it simply means that the defendant’s legal team or insurance company is carefully looking over the details of the accident, the proposed settlement negotiations, or the legal arguments and evidence that your attorney has presented.

Even though we believe that there are usually good reasons for a car accident case to take a long time, it is important to know that there are times when the insurance company or another party is purposefully causing delays. When this happens, your car accident attorney will handle all communication with the insurance company or individual responsible for delaying your claim and find ways to ensure that your case is being prioritized and taken seriously.

What happens if a claim is taking too long?

If you suspect that your claim is taking too long due to bad faith actions by the insurance company, you might consider filing a bad faith insurance suit. Bad faith is a form of deception, which may consist of being dishonest, fraudulent, untrustworthy, or neglectful. Therefore, if an insurance company fails to investigate and settle a claim before the deadline, they may be acting in bad faith.

If your car crash case is going through a lengthy court battle, there is not much you can do. Court cases take longer than insurance claims. However, if you feel like you do not have time to wait, you should speak with your lawyer about potentially settling. You can choose to end the legal process at any time by agreeing to settle with the insurance company, but if you decide to do this, you could end up taking a big cut in compensation.

Why would an insurance company be delaying a settlement?

There may be many factors impacting the insurance company’s ability to hurry and provide a settlement. For example, it could be something as minor as someone not responding to an email, picking up a phone call, or even forgetting to file necessary paperwork. On the other hand, it could be something major like arguments, disputes, and disagreements about the events that took place or the settlement offer. The following are a few factors that can cause an insurance company to delay a settlement:

  • Not responding quickly enough: Keep open communication. If you fail to respond in a timely manner, your attorney cannot build a case against the defendant or pursue compensation on your behalf.
  • Failing to get the necessary information: The defendant’s insurance company or legal team will need specific information about your car accident, such as, where the accident occurred, what time, how it happened, and any other relevant details. While this information is necessary to have, it can take a lot of time to obtain, review, and respond to it all.
  • Negotiations: Negotiations are not always simple and straightforward. The reason for this is because negotiations can lead to confusion, misunderstandings, and disagreements. Therefore, it is important to know that when going through the settlement process, you and the opposing side most likely have very different opinions when it comes to the amount you should get, which can cause delays.

If your claim goes to trial, it will add extra time to your case. During this time, your attorney and the defendant’s attorney will prepare for trial, present evidence and arguments regarding the crash, and wait for the judge or jury to make a decision about who is liable and how much compensation you are entitled to. A trial can take several weeks or months as there are multiple parts and complexities.

Is it possible to speed up a car accident claim?

While it is recommended to remain patient, there are a few steps you can take to possibly speed up your car accident claim, such as:

  • Prompt communication, respond to your lawyer’s calls, emails, or text quickly.
  • Collect and organize all relevant evidence, including medical records, police reports and bills.
  • Continue getting medical treatment and attend all follow-up medical appointments.
  • Keep a detailed record of all interactions, treatments, and expenses related to the accident.

At Glisson Law, our car accident attorneys understand challenges that you face after a car accident and the urgency of needing compensation to cover expenses. Therefore, we know and understand that you need compensation as quickly as possible to cover your expenses and make ends meet throughout this traumatic and devastating experience. While we cannot guarantee a specific timeline for your case, we promise to act swiftly in building your case, seeking resolutions, and advocating for your legal rightsCall our office or submit our contact form to schedule your free, no-obligation case evaluation today. Our firm is based in Alton, and we proudly serve Belleville, Edwardsville, Springfield, St. Clair and Madison Counties, all of Southwestern Illinois, and Missouri.