Identifying Child PTSD Symptoms Following an Automobile Accident

Young children struggle to fully comprehend car accidents, and experiencing one shakes their sense of security. Sadly, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that an average of 3 children were killed and an estimated 429 children injured every day in traffic crashes in 2022. Such distressing events can deeply affect the emotional well-being…

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Can EDRs or Black Boxes Impact My Car Accident Claim?

The installation and use of Event Data Recorders (also known as “EDRs” or “Black Boxes”) in motor vehicles is becoming more common. EDRs are electronic devices used to record data about a vehicle for just a few seconds right before a crash and just after. Some of the data that an EDR may record include:…

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Who’s at Fault in a Winter Weather Car Accident?

Driving in wintry weather is inherently dangerous and can significantly increase the likelihood of a serious auto accident. Nevertheless, driving during winter weather does not mean serious collisions are inevitable. In fact, even during difficult weather conditions, there may be evidence that another motorist was operating their vehicle negligently and that their careless or reckless…

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The Psychology of Car Crashes: Understanding Risky Thinking

Operating a car is complex. Many of us spend time behind the wheel daily, which can make us mistakenly believe the task is simple. Cognitively, driving requires a lot of attention, focus, and concentration. The psychology involved in driving includes mental and emotional mechanisms that impact how we behave on the road. Are we frustrated?…

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Winter Driving in Illinois: What You Need to Know

Whether we are ready or not, winter is on its way. If you are a long-time resident or have visited various areas of Illinois frequently, you know that the winters here can be very harsh. The winds are strong, it snows often, and icy conditions are almost unavoidable. It is not uncommon for drivers to…

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What Kinds of Mechanical Car Issues Can Affect Your Claim?

Driver error is often the main cause of car accidents, but they aren’t the only possible cause. Mechanical issues with one of the involved cars can also come into play. In these cases, you might believe that another driver caused your injuries, only to find out that they did everything they could to prevent or…

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Steps to Take After a Car Accident in Another State

As a car owner, you can get in a car and drive anywhere across the country. Therefore, it is not uncommon for individuals to take vacations, day trips, or even required work trips and find themselves involved in car accidents in other states. If this has happened to you, you may feel stressed, confused, or…

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Dealing with Uninsured or Underinsured Motorists in Illinois

The law in Illinois requires drivers and car owners to carry a certain amount of car insurance. Unfortunately, many drivers and car owners drop their insurance or choose to drive with very little coverage or no coverage at all. When a person is involved in a car accident with an uninsured or underinsured motorist, it…

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