What Is an Accident Reconstructionist?

What Is an Accident Reconstructionist?An accident occurred. You know what happened, but you cannot prove it. When it comes down to what you believe occurred and what the other party states, the court may benefit from accident reconstruction, the process of using technology to demonstrate how an accident occurred based on the laws of physics and available information. An accident reconstructionist is a professional who can help to create such detailed visuals.

Our Alton car accident attorneys at Glisson Law work closely with accident reconstructionists when there is a need to prove our clients suffered due to the negligence of others. To find out how this tool can help in your case, we encourage you to contact us now for a free consultation.

What is an accident reconstructionist and what do they do?

The National Society of Professional Engineers discusses the importance of the work accident reconstructionists complete. These certified professionals work to take raw evidence and data from the scene of the incident and go backward to recreate what happened. To some degree, police officers and accident investigators will have some knowledge of how to do this, but these professionals are fully certified and highly trained.

In more formal detail, a person who works as an accident reconstructionist takes information and applies scientific methodology to that information in order to gather insight into what occurred. They will look at:

  • The circumstances of what took place
  • The mechanics involved that led to the accident
  • The contributing factors that led to the accident

There are many skills needed to do this, including understanding vehicle dynamics, the laws of physics, and even factors like math and photogrammetry. Today, there are many software tools that can take raw data and the skill of these professionals to create a clear visual of what happened to lead to the end results in the accident.

There is no way to go back in time to re-see what occurred, of course. Accident reconstruction, though, is one way to use the information we have, including all evidence at the scene, to better understand what occurred.

As a reliable form of forensics, accident recreation is a powerful tool that helps experts determine what happened and why based on the end result. It can be used in all types of accidents, and the more information that is available for it to use, the more accurate this tool can be.

When accident recreationists are helpful

There are many situations where the use of an accident recreationist can be very helpful to your case. Often, fault in car accidents comes down to the evidence available and how a police officer interprets that. Yet, when you know there are inaccuracies or flawed decisions of fault, this type of forensic tool can be used to provide more information.

There are many times when it is worth using these services, including:

  • When the facts of the case do not align for any reason
  • When it is impossible for the police officer to make a decision on fault based on various opinions or a lack of information
  • When you have significant losses and are being considered partially to blame for the accident
  • When there is a need to prove what occurred was due to recklessness, often to prove that the damage could have been avoided
  • When you need insight into what happened to determine not just who was at fault but who else may have been involved in the accident, such as a driver who fled the scene or one who caused the accident but did not have damage

These are just some examples of when to use these professionals. Within our law firm, there are many times when we reach out for this data as a way to create a plan for our client. We can use it to help with:

  • Determining fault in a car accident
  • Assigning the percentage of fault after an accident
  • Determine the sequence of events that led to the incident
  • Establishing the reason for the accident
  • Determining the value of the accident claim

We can use this information to prove to insurance companies that their driver was at fault and, therefore, they are responsible for the losses you have incurred. If your case goes to court, accident recreation information can be used as evidence in a court of law, assuming it is done in accordance with all laws.

What should you do if you think you need an accident recreationist’s help?

We encourage you to reach out to our Alton car accident attorneys first. Even if you believe the police report is inaccurate or data is missing, your first and most important step is to contact our attorney. There are times when we will hire an accident recreationist to prove what occurred. Other times, there may not be a need to do so as the court or insurance company is willing to settle in your favor.

More so, when such incidents occur, it helps to have a trusted, experienced attorney on your side who can provide you with hands-on support and guidance. If this information is to be used in court to prove your losses, you need to be sure it is accurate and done within the letter of the law. Our team has the experience and dedication to make sure that is the case, preserving your right to the compensation you are owed.

You do not have to contact these professionals yourself. Instead, let our attorneys determine if there is a benefit and need to do so and then use the most trusted accident reconstructionist in the area.

An accident reconstructionist may be one of the most important people in your case. If you need one, we will help you to navigate this process. At Glisson Law, we offer comprehensive legal support for our clients to prove their losses and recoup maximum compensation. Based in Alton, Glisson Law proudly serves Belleville, Edwardsville, St. Clair, and Madison counties, all of Southwestern Illinois and Missouri. Set up a free consultation now by calling our office or completing our contact form.