Winter Driving

A few posts ago we  talked about refreshing on your winter driving tips/skills and so we thought we would just go ahead and give the reminder! We know a lot more long distance driving is going to occur over the holidays and that the winter months are here. So, here are the things we think…

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Click it or Ticket!

The US Department of Transportation announced earlier this month a click it or ticket seat belt enforcement nationally. Their role here is to remind everyone the importance of wearing seat belts.  They have run click it or ticket ads since the 9th and will continue through the 29th of this month. However, enforcement of seat…

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Holiday Driving Tips

Thanksgiving is just over two weeks away. This time is one we look forward to all year — time for the holidays and to spend with those we love. This year the holiday may look a little different. However, if you are driving to visit family we know that your drive could be long. We…

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Election Day Safety

Election Day is an incredibly important day in our country. This is a day we get to exercise our right to vote. No matter a person’s political stance, it is important to consider safety on this day. Many people are out and some in areas that they aren’t familiar with to cast their ballots. This…

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Halloween Safety During Covid

Halloween is always a fun time of the year to get festive and celebrate. However some of those activities may need to be tweaked this year. Halloween might look different but it can still be fun while being celebrated safely. Here is a list of activities outside of trick or treating that can be a…

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Teen Driving Safety

This week is NHTSA’s Teen Driving Safety week. “2,121 people were killed in crashes involving a teen driver in 2018” and crashes remain to be the leading cause of teen deaths. This is why NHTSA continues to promote teen driving safety annually. According to the CDC, “per mile driven, teen drivers [aged 16-19] are nearly…

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Railroad Safety

According to the National Safety Council there were 7,867 railroad incident injuries and 907 railroad incident deaths in 2019 alone. This number is drastically reduced from years prior but it still proves to be an issue that we need to continue to shed light on.  In fact, the NHTSA has launched a “stop, Trains cant.”…

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Pedestrian Safety Month

This October is the National Highway Traffic Safety administration’s first annual pedestrian safety month. Walking and biking have surged as a way for people to get out of their homes during the pandemic. However, as expressed by the NHTSA, “Sadly, as the end of Daylight Saving Time approaches and the nights get longer, the risks…

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Car Seat Safety

This week the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has been promoting Child Passenger Safety and using a car seat correctly is a large topic. One of the leading causes of death in children up to age 13 in the US is motor vehicle injuries. Parents should know that these deaths are mostly preventable and we…

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Drowsy Driving

Many people know how dangerous getting on the road under any influence is. They understand that this is a bad decision. What people don’t pay as much attention to is getting behind the wheel while feeling drowsy or not stopping the car if you begin to feel drowsy while driving.  They should know that according…

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