Signs a Car Accident Caused Nerve Damage

Car accidents lead to numerous injuries. While some are minor, others are severe, and some result in the loss of life. There are numerous injuries you can suffer in a car accident, including spinal injuries, broken bones, cuts, bruises, and traumatic brain injuries. An often overlooked injury caused by a car accident is nerve damage.…

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What Is a Blind Spot Accident?

When driving a vehicle, you know the importance of checking all sides before you switch lanes, but some areas are tougher to see than others. A blind spot accident is one that often occurs when a person does not observe what is occurring within that space and, as a result, does not see a car…

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What Is an Accident Reconstructionist?

An accident occurred. You know what happened, but you cannot prove it. When it comes down to what you believe occurred and what the other party states, the court may benefit from accident reconstruction, the process of using technology to demonstrate how an accident occurred based on the laws of physics and available information. An…

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Understanding the Catastrophic Nature of Paralysis

Motorcycle accidents, devastating truck accidents, slips and falls, and medical malpractice are a few of the many reasons people suffer catastrophic loss as a result of paralysis. When paralysis occurs, and recovery is limited or not possible, it completely changes a person’s life. These are some of the most damaging injuries because they trap you…

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Why Are Jackknife Truck Accidents So Dangerous?

Any type of truck accident can be damaging, creating a risk for serious injury or even the loss of life. Some accidents are even more severe. Jackknife truck accidents are an example of a highly dangerous type of accident that often involves very large, very heavy, and fast-moving trucks that are at a total loss…

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How Do My Medical Bills Get Paid After a Car Accident?

After a car accident, the medical bills can pile up quickly and can become quite difficult to manage. Your focus should be on your recovery, allowing you to get comprehensive and full care so that you can recover in the best possible way. It is common for victims to worry about their medical bills and…

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What REALLY Distracts Drivers on the Road?

While most people are aware of the fact that texting and talking on the phone are huge driving distractions, there are many other distractions that can impact your driving skills and abilities. It is important for you to know and understand what other activities or tasks you may be “guilty” of doing recently or in…

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How Much Is My Pain and Suffering Worth?

After being involved in an accident, you may be surprised to learn that you may be eligible for compensation for your pain and suffering. This means that if you suffer from excruciating and/or chronic pain after a slip and fall accident or motor vehicle accident, you may be able to claim this as a loss…

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E-Bikes Are Popular, But They’re Also Dangerous

Electric bicycles, also known as e-bikes, have become increasingly popular in recent years. In fact, sales of e-bikes continue to increase. While many people think that e-bikes are a great alternative to driving a car or riding a regular bicycle, these bikes are actually very dangerous for adults and children. Recent e-bike accidents in Illinois…

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Pelvic Fractures from Car Accidents

Pelvic fractures are one of the least common fractures or broken bones among humans. However, any type of car accident creates a tremendous amount of force, and the impact on drivers and passengers can be severe. Since the human body is not built to sustain this type of force, weight and impact, broken pelvic bones…

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