Seven Ways Road Construction Zones Contribute to Car and Truck Accidents in Springfield, IL

Seven Ways Road Construction Zones Contribute to Car and Truck Accidents in Springfield, ILWhen workers are completing projects on the roadway, there is an increased risk of car and truck accidents. This is because construction zones create challenging and confusing road mazes that vehicles must carefully navigate and travel through.

For example, lanes may be unexpectedly closed, shoulders may be blocked off, and vehicles may need to follow the traffic controller or flagger’s confusing demands. Both the construction workers and people traveling through these zones are at risk. In fact, according to the most recent statistics, 891 people died, and 37,701 sustained injuries in work zone crashes across the US in 2022.

Below, we will go over seven ways road construction zones contribute to car accidents and truck accidents in Springfield, IL.

1.     Sudden and frequent stops

When going through a road construction zone, drivers may need to make sudden and frequent stops because the speed limits may have changed, flaggers may be directing traffic, or lanes may be closed. For example, drivers on a highway might need to reduce their speed from 65 mph to 35 mph within seconds. If drivers do not approach the construction zone with caution, they may rear-end the vehicle in front of them. Sometimes, these accidents can lead to multi-vehicle collisions.

2.     Constant traffic pattern changes

Many drivers who commute to work, school, or appointments every day become used to the same traffic patterns and flows. However, when there is road construction, drivers may become confused, stressed, and frustrated. Road construction can introduce narrow lanes, lane shifts, or closures, causing confusion, stress, and frustration. These changes can lead to improper lane changes, vehicles running off the road, and sideswipe accidents.

3.     Visibility issues

Visibility issues are very common in road construction zones. For example, the construction could take place near a curve, turn, or even at an intersection, which could make it difficult to see until you get very close. As a result, drivers may not anticipate or prepare for a road construction zone, which can increase their chances of being involved in a severe and dangerous collision.

4.     Changes to the roads

When you drive through a road construction zone, you may notice that the road has gone from being smooth to having rocks and debris everywhere, uneven or unfinished pavement, or even large holes and bumps. When a driver does not pay attention, slow down, or prepare for these road changes, they may lose control of their vehicle and experience a devastating crash.

5.     Increased confusion

Construction zones often cause confusion due to new detours, closed lanes, and traffic barriers or equipment on the road. Drivers unfamiliar with the area or unsure how to navigate the construction zone obstacles are at a higher risk of accidents.

6.     Hidden, missing, or improperly placed signs

Any time there is a road construction zone, there should be signs informing and alerting drivers of the upcoming construction zone and what to do. This means that drivers should have enough notice of the approaching construction zone, be informed of the speed limit when entering the construction zone, and know whether to expect any lanes, road changes, bumps, or detours. If signs are hidden, missing, or improperly placed, drivers will be left uninformed and unaware of the construction zone and what to expect, leading to a collision with other vehicles, workers, or even construction barricades or equipment.

7.     Sharing the road with construction equipment and machinery

Road construction workers typically use large, heavy, and powerful construction equipment and machinery to complete their projects. Therefore, when you enter a road construction zone, you may need to share the road with or navigate around these machines and equipment. If a construction worker is operating a large machine or piece of equipment and fails to pay attention, remain alert, or watch out for drivers passing through, they may cause an accident, which can have traumatic or fatal consequences.

Safety Measures and Precautions

Drivers can mitigate the risks associated with construction zones through careful driving practices. However, part of the onus is also on the construction workers, who need to properly secure their equipment and mark the construction zone, speed limit, and detours. One of the most important things for drivers to remember is to slow down when passing through construction zones. Staying focused and avoiding distractions is also essential. Construction workers are often outside of protective vehicles and vulnerable to accidents, but drivers and passengers also face risks when they pass through these areas.

For those who use advanced driving technology, construction zones are an area to be particularly cautious in as well. The new technology may be less reliable in these unusual zones.

Get legal help after an accident in a construction zone

If you have suffered injuries due to a road construction worker’s negligence, the Springfield car and truck accident lawyers at Glisson Law Firm are ready and available to speak to you. We have assisted clients with these types of accidents for over three decades. Therefore, when you work with our team, you can rest assured knowing that we will provide high-quality legal assistance and representation for you and your case. Please call our office or submit our contact form to schedule a free consultation and learn about how we will pursue legal action against the responsible parties who caused you harm today. Our firm is based in Alton and proudly serves Belleville, Edwardsville, Springfield, St. Clair and Madison Counties, all of Southwestern Illinois, and Missouri.