Tips For Driving During The Rainy Season

Spring is here and with it comes rain!  In these times we may not be doing much driving but when you do it’s important to be aware of the weather and conditions.  According to AAA exchange, “wet pavement contributes to nearly 1.2 million traffic crashes each year”. Follow these tips for safer driving in the rain:…

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Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient Vehicles Rule Announced by NHTSA

The NHTSA posted on March 31st that there are new SAFE vehicle rules put into place to keep the cars we drive more safe, more fuel- efficient with lower carbon dioxide emissions and more affordable. These will positively affect consumers in many ways Including lowering the number of accidents and raising the number of vehicles…

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COVID-19 and How we Are Continuing to Assist You

In light of the recent announcement from Illinois Governor Pritzker: Our clients and employees remain our primary concern at Glisson Law. Accordingly, we have taken steps for the majority of our attorneys and staff to work remotely. We ask only for your patience as our staff adjusts to these changes. Please rest assured that we…

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Safety Precautions During This Difficult Time

As everyone knows COVID-19 has increased and this is a very difficult time for everyone in many different ways. We want to do our best to help each other during this uneasy time while doing our best to stay safe.  The red cross has posted a list of safety precautions you can take to help…

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Road Rage and How to Avoid it

Road rage can be defined by, “violent anger caused by the stress and frustration involved in driving a motor vehicle in difficult conditions.” In order to avoid road rage:  Avoid aggressive gestures Stay calm and breathe Do your best to keep a healthy distance between you and other drivers on the road Do not compete…

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Drivers Sharing the Road with Bicyclists

“Americans are increasingly bicycling to commute, for exercise, or just for fun. By law, bicycles on the roadway are vehicles with the same rights and responsibilities as motorized vehicles.” The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration listed these tips for drivers sharing the road with bicyclists: Yield to bicyclists as you would motorists and do not…

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Bicycle Safety

As the weather starts to warm up more and more people will be riding their bikes as a good form of transportation and exercise. It is important, especially if you’re sharing roads to remember precautions to be taken to ensure a safe ride.  According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration “There were 857 bicyclists…

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What To Do During a Tire Blowout

In our last blog post the most important tire maintenance was talked about to avoid safety hazards such as tire blowouts. However, sometimes tire blowouts are unavoidable. “A tire blowout is a rapid loss of tire air pressure that can cause your vehicle to lose control.” NHTSA described what to do if you experience having…

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Proper Tire Maintenance

It is so important to be aware and monitor the part of your car that is actually touching the road you drive on. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration there were “738 total motor vehicle traffic fatalities in 2017 in tire – related crashes”.  The most effective thing you can do to avoid…

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Tips for Keeping your Children Safe and Warm While Traveling

 Follow this list of tips by Healthy Children for keeping your children warm and safe: “Store the carrier portion of infant seats inside the house when not in use. Get an early start. Dress your child in thin layers. Start with close-fitting layers on the bottom, like tights, leggings, and long-sleeved bodysuits. Then add pants…

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