Teen Driver Safety

Every teen looks forward to the day they earn the freedom of driving. For parents, it may be tough to hand your teen the keys to a car. 

Car accidents are still the leading cause of teen deaths. 3,255 teens ages 15-19 were involved in fatal crashes in 2017 alone. It is imperative that we continue to teach our teens healthy driving habits before and while they are behind the wheel.

Here is a recommended list from NHTSA of what you can do to maximize the safety of your teen driver: 

  • Learn your States GDL (graduated driver licensing) laws. This way you can establish rules from the beginning.
  • Educate and remind your teen of the dangers of impaired driving.
  • Don’t only rely on your Childs drivers education class. Set aside time to help them practice. 
  • Remember that your teen does watch your behaviors and may follow in your lead. Set a good example and drive free from distractions at all times.